January 2, 2014

One Word 2014

The final assignment for Compassion bloggers this year, is to choose one word that embodies the promise that 2014 will bring. Its's not a New Year's resolution, however we've been tasked with choosing one thing to specifically focus on for the New Year.

As we make the transition into 2014, I look back at the previous year thanking God for his continued provision and guidance in 2013. It was a year of ups and downs, trials and triumphs, but by his grace I was able to remain steadfast on the course he has set out for me. I continue to say time and time again I am so thankful to be here in Mongolia serving as Peace Corps Volunteer, it has truly been a blessing in disguise. The friendships I've forged and the memories I've made are priceless.

Looking ahead into 2014 and the promise it will bring, the word that resonates most with me is "Cornerstone." In Ephesians 2:19-20 it is written:
"You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone"
While reading this particular scripture it was clear for me to see the Bibles indication that Jesus not only serves as the foundation of the church but as the foundation for each individual Christians life. He is the first and foremost element of the undergirding structure upon which everything else is aligned. Everything from the teaching of the church to the character of the church as a loving and caring assembly of people must be in line with the teachings and compassion of Christ. We are also called to support and encourage one another, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 

With cornerstone being my primary focus for 2014, there are three main things I plan to strive towards:

  1. Continuing to encourage my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, by serving and supporting them. Serving the Lord through diligent stewardship through gratitude and by taking responsible use of God's gifts in the light of God's purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ.
  2. Living in God's will and trusting in His infinite wisdom. 
  3. During the good times and the bad times never loosing sight that He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust (Psalms 91)
Wishing you all a fruitful and blessed 2014!

Please comment below and share your "One Word" for 2014.

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